Digging into Black History Month

Why have Black History Month? How should it be celebrated? How can Black History best be celebrated while not overlooking the travesties endured by systemic oppression? We recorded one of our weekly IDEAS meetings to explore these questions and more. 

This podcast was hosted by our fearless Director, Merlina Vogel and edited and produced by the inimitable Josie Riemer. 

If you are a JFK student and enjoy these conversations, please pop by B209 any Monday at lunch to take part. We'll be there.
If you enjoy our podcasts and journals, please support IDEAS!  Make a donation, however humble, over here. Special thanks to Nurcan Faulk for her donation. 
"Late Night Radio" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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Digging into Black History Month
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