Challenging stereotypes, grappling with biases, tackling tough issues
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The White Lives Matter Mankini Edition
Jakob, Josie, James, Ophelia, and Moss navigate some not-so-hypothetical scenarios, including whether students should feel obliged to interrupt racial (racist?) langua...
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The Berlin History Curriculum: Racist, Problematic, or Just Fine Thank You?
JFK students have long debated gender segregated sports classes. At long last, bringing student voices to the forefront, JFKS IDEAS has taken up this issue. Our discus...
Gender Segregated Sport Class?
JFK students have long debated gender segregated sports classes. At long last, bringing student voices to the forefront, JFKS IDEAS has taken up this issue. Our discus...
Digging into Black History Month
Why have Black History Month? How should it be celebrated? How can Black History best be celebrated while not overlooking the travesties endured by systemic oppression...
What's the Value of Class Participation?
Jakob, Josie, James, and Ophelia discuss to what extent class participation should determine a student's grade. We refer to an article in our most recent journal, whi...
The White Lives Matter Mankini Edition
Jakob, Josie, James, Ophelia, and Moss navigate some not-so-hypothetical scenarios, including whether students should feel obliged to interrupt racial (racist?) langua...